Editors’ letters

Milan restaurant rules you should get used to. Part 1.

If you haven't yet fully experienced the vibe of Italian service, perhaps these tips will help you get the hang of it.

Dear friends, after 8 years of living in Milan, these rules seem perfectly logical to me, but I remember very well how they just didn’t fit in my head at first.

  1. Meals are strictly scheduled: lunch from 12 to 14.30, dinner starts at 19:30, but locals usually show up by 20.30. You have to be punctual to not starve to death.
  2. You can’t just walk into the restaurant and sit down at preferred table – it doesn’t work that way. The correct way is to wait to be welcomed and escorted to your seat.
  3. The main day for outings and meetings is Thursday. So be sure to book a table in advance to avoid being left without a table.
  1. The customer is not always right (it’s far from always). If you start to show displeasure, even reasonable, you will get indifferent and cold service in return.
  2. You can not come just for a glass of wine or coffee in the restaurant during lunch or dinner, you will simply be refused.
  3. And of course, the most sacred thing: don’t order a cappuccino after a meal! But an espresso or digestif is recommended and welcome! In many restaurants, it will be offered to you as a compliment.

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